Category: Notes & Reflections

  • Where Do We Look For One Another?

    Where Do We Look For One Another?

    My aloneness twists in on itself, coiling and compounding, when I forget to look for myself everywhere. In the grass and the sky, in the perked up ears of the unafraid deer, and in the eyes of the guy telling me about the yellow throated birds that have been about lately. In the broken twigs…

  • Let No One Tell You Your Story

    Let No One Tell You Your Story

    I’ve been asking myself lately, when will I let myself be home, at peace? When will I let myself be healed and whole? When will I believe I have found that thing I have been seeking all my life? I’ve started to see that the constant seeking draws the actual knowing of what that thing…

  • Who Wears Your Crown?

    Who Wears Your Crown?

    I sometimes think about how the global leaders we have are not truly taught how to be leaders at all. How this kind of education has evolved in the West to glorify leadership as a strategy of striping those they serve of their power in grossly cruel and violent ways, as well as in subtle…

  • Let Go The Seeds That Are For Sowing

    Let Go The Seeds That Are For Sowing

    Let go of what you’ve protected with the thorns of mothering, distrust, and anxiety. Let go all the seeds that are for sowing. One day, you might trust that the mere prayer of it is enough. What medicine will grow? Maybe only the thorns and brambles know. Maybe only the dry leaves of autumn know.…

  • When Love is Born Again

    When love is born again, protect that little new life in you. When shit starts to unify, freeze, hold on tight and build a fence to keep out the nibbling hordes. Learn how to protect what is precious. Look to the Earth. Her story reminds you… Creativity is life finding a way, adapting in relationship…

  • Let Creation Be

    Does being what we are not give life, or does it take life and who decides for us? Is it chaos, insanity, entropy or creativity? Or Life generating – trying on skins – other consciousnesses. Does it leave us confused or fascinated, afraid or courageously curious? Does your imagination frighten you? Does mine? Each strange…

  • Where Do We Look for Each Other?

    My aloneness twists in on itself, coiling and compounding, when I forget to look for myself everywhere. In everything. In the grass and the sky, in the perked up ears of the unafraid deer, and in the eyes of the guy telling me about the yellow throated birds that have been about lately. In the…

  • This Will Carve Out of You a Woman

    I wonder if healing is just when the future is unwritten. When it is freed from the past? Freed even from the imagination of it. When hope is like water, and the tea is just tea for you and I to drink. When we don’t seek meaning or meaninglessness? Life or death? The day is…

  • She is Many, She is One

    I was cast aside, like garden waste, when I knew it was real. Into the mound of the forgotten, the used and useless. But, all these years were not wasted. I was learning how to fertilize, utilize disintegration, deterioration towards resurrection, towards new life. I was unworthy, once. But I heard her singing inside me…

  • And One Day the Crocuses Come Again

    What to say of the coming of spring? How I learned not to ask why, and just let the seasons change within. Let them change between me and everyone I ever knew. Even if all those gentle Crocuses look like hearts already broken, I pluck one and apologize. I recognize the sheer force of the…